Power lines & raptors
Poorly sited, engineered, and managed overhead power lines wreak havoc on the environment, causing biodiversity loss, habitat modification, and degradation, and disruption of landscape connectivity for many species.
Specifically, large birds—especially birds of prey—face these threats throughout their range, during nesting, migration, and overwintering.
The situation worsens as electricity production, demand, and consumption increase worldwide, reaching further and further into remote areas, in many cases without addressing the associated potential risks that power lines pose to birds of prey and other species.
Electrocution, collisions, nesting, and perching by raptors affect not only the birds, but also utility operations. In addition to power failures, these bird interactions can reduce network performance, cause line faults, and are simply added costs.
The good news is that there are many ways to properly site and install power transmission lines that dramatically and relatively inexpensively protect birds from electrocution.